Monday, September 17, 2012

Our Friend, Kevin, in Flea Market Style

Check out the winter 2012 issue of a great magazine, Flea Market Style, in which our friend and customer Kevin Beer is featured.  Flea Market Style profiled Kevin's beautiful living space in West Hollywood.   Kevin is an interior designer and creative artist.  We visited his home earlier this year and were taken by his attention to detail.

A recent trip to Puerto Vallarta reminded us very much of Kevin's aesthetic which feels original, organic, and timeless:

Puerto Vallarta

Sometimes you just have to start a blog....

Greetings!  Welcome to our blog!  We have been collecting vintage, antique, ethnic and simply cool things for years.   For the last 2 years we have had our feet on the other side of the door, finding pieces we love (sometimes rescuing them even) and bringing them to light for the perfect person to discover.

We love Patina.  We love rust.  We love stories that exist within the fibers of old stuff....  We love antique, primitive, vintage, mid-century, funky, industrial, hand-made and so much more.... We love helping to achieve the perfect vibe for different spaces.

On our blog we will be showcasing items for sale, sharing insight into our craft,  and posting things that we like, things that inspire us.

If at any time you would like to share something with us or have any questions you can always reach us at
